Shri B. Gopalakrishna Reddy, Hon’ble Minister of Forest, Environment and S&T, AndhraPradesh has inaugurated the new Mobile Science Exhibition (MSE) on 27th October,2014. Dr. M. Venkatramana Hon’ble MLA, Tirupati & Chairman TUDA was the guest of Honour. Prof A. Jayaraman, Chairman, LAC, RSCT & Director, National Atmospheric Research Laboratories, Gadanki presided over the function. Shri K. G Kumar, Director, VITM, Bengaluru welcomed the guests and Shri R. Manigandan, PC, Regional Science Centre, Tirupati conveyed vote of thanks. Brochures in Telugu and in English were also released by the Hon’ble Minister Shri Gopalakrishna Reddy on ‘Our Senses’.

Inauguration of Mobile Science Exhibition on ‘Our Senses’ at Regional Science Centre, Tirupati

27 October,2014