A new unit of Mobile Science Exhibition (MSE) on ‘Hands-On Science’ was inaugurated at North Bengal Science Centre (NBSC), Siliguri on August 18, 2014. The exhibition was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Shri Gautam Deb, Minister-in- Charge, North Bengal Development Department, Govt. of West Bengal. Prof. Somnath Ghosh, Vice Chancellor, University of North Bengal, Siliguri was present as Guest of Honour and Dr. Santanu Chakraborti, Principal-in-Charge, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Govt. College, Siliguri presided over the inaugural function.Sk. Emdadul Islam, Director, Birla Industrial & Technological Museum briefed upon the role of MSE and other activities of science centres in dissemination of science to the grass root level. He underlined the need of scientific and technological innovations in order to find solutions to various social problems. Prof. Somnath Ghosh complemented North Bengal Science Centre for its active role in developing scientific temperament among all strata of society. Stating examples from his early life, Prof. Somnath Ghosh explained the role of hands-on activities for clear understanding of scientific phenomena. Chief Guest Shri Gautam Deb called upon the audience to act in the direction of developing a scientific culture in the society. The programme was well attended by students and teachers from various educational institutes of Darjeeling District.

Inauguration of Mobile Science Exhibition on ‘Hands-On Science’

18 October,2014